Book Chapters
- Bhiladvala R.B., Assadian E. and Etrati A., "Small Scale Sensing for Wind Turbine Active Flow Control System" in Wind Energy Impact of Turbulence, (Eds. Holling M., Peinke J. and Ivanell, S.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).
- Nanomechanical Resonant Sensors and Fluid Interactions Bhiladvala R.B. Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, B. Bhushan (ed.), DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9751-4, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
Selected Journal Publications
- Sam, M., Moghimian, N., Bhiladvala, R.B. Field-directed assembly of nanowires: identifying directors, disruptors and indices to maximize the device yield. Nanoscale, 8, 889-900 (2016).[pdf]
- Sam, M.; Moghimian, N.; Bhiladvala, R.B. Field-directed chaining of nanowires: towards transparent electrodes. Materials Letters, 163, 205-208 (2016).[pdf]
- Puczylowski, J.; Hoelling, A.; Peinke, J.; Bhiladvala, R.B., Hoelling, M. A new approach to highly resolved measurements of turbulent flow. Measurement Science and Technology, 26, 055302 (2015).[pdf]
- Etrati, A. and Bhiladvala, R.B., "Frequency Response of Guard-Heated Hot-Film Wall Shear Stress Sensors for Turbulent Flows", International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow, 46, 61 (2014). [doi].
- Etrati, A., Assadian, E., and Bhiladvala, R.B., "Analyzing Guard-Heating to Enable Accurate Hot-Film Wall Shear Stress Measurements for Turbulent Flows", International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer,70,835(2014).[doi]
- Moghimian, N., Sam, M., Coelho, J.D., Warwick, S.D. and Bhiladvala, R.B., "Supressing Electroless Growth Allows Cyanide-free Electrodeposition of Straight Separable Gold Nanowires", Electrochimica Acta, 114, 643, (2013). [doi]
- Moghimian, N., Sam, M. and Bhiladvala, R.B., "Rhodium Nanowires: Synthesis and Nanostructure
Tailoring by Controlling Hydrogen Evolution", Materials Letters, 113, 152, (2013). [doi]
- J.A. Sioss, R.B Bhiladvala, W Pan, M Li, S Patrick, P Xin, S.L. Dean, C.D. Keating, T.S. Mayer, G.A. Clawson, "Nanoresonator chip-based RNA sensor strategy for detection of circulating tumor cells: response using PCA3 as a prostate cancer marker", Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 8, 1017 (2012).[pdf]
- Ramanathan, S., D.L. Koch and R.B. Bhiladvala, “Non-continuum drag force on a nanowire vibrating normal to a wall: simulations and theory” Physics of Fluids, 22(10), (2010).[pdf]
- Li M.1, Bhiladvala R.B.1,2, Morrow T.J., Sioss J.A., Keating C.D., Lew K.K., Redwing J.M., Mayer T.S.2 "Bottom-up assembly of large-area nanowire resonator array", Nature Nanotechnology, 3, 88 (2008). [1Contributed equally to this work. 2Corresponding authors.][pdf]
Li M., Mayer T.S., Sioss J.A., Keating C.D., Bhiladvala R.B.1 "Template-grown metal nanowires as resonators: performance and characterization of dissipative and elastic properties", Nano Letters, 7, 3281 (2007). [1Corresponding author.][pdf]
Sahai T., Bhiladvala R.B., Zehnder A.T. "Thermomechanical transitions in doubly-clamped micro-oscillators." International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 42, 596 (2007).[pdf]
Edwards B.E., Mayer T.S., Bhiladvala R.B.1 "Synchronous electrorotation of nanowires in fluid", Nano Letters, 6, 632 (2006). [1Corresponding author.][pdf]
- Bhiladvala R.B., Wang Z.J. "Effect of fluids on the Q factor and resonance frequency of oscillating micrometer and nanometer scale beams." Physical Review E, 69, 036307 (2004). [Selected for The Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology.][pdf]
Refereed Conference Papers
- Bhiladvala, R.B., Sam, M. and Moghimian, N.,"Directed Assembly for Nanomechanical Sensors", Proceedings of the 11th Nanomechanical Sensing Workshop, Madrid, Spain, NMC2014, Madrid, Spain, April 30-May2, 2014.
- Moghimian, N., Etrati, A., Sam, M. and Bhiladvala, R.B., "Hybridizing Micromachining and Microfabrication for Sensor Chips", ICOMM 2013, 121, Victoria, BC, Canada, April 2013. Etrati, A., Assadian, E. and Bhiladvala, R.B., "Wind Turbine Active Control: Sensor Input System" ,Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, SET-2012, Vancouver, Canada, September 2-5, 2012.
- Bhiladvala, R.B., “Fluid-Structure Coupling in Gas Damping Response of Nanowire Resonators,” Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise, FSI 2010, August 1-5, 2010, Montreal, Canada. (ASME Technical Paper)
- Ramanathan, S., R.B. Bhiladvala, and D. Koch, “Drag Force on Vibrating Nanowires Using Theory & Simulations,” 2009 A.I.Ch.E. Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November 8-13, 2009.
- Bhiladvala, R.B. “Guard-Heated Thermal Sensor for Turbulent Wall-Shear Stress Fluctuations,” ISTP-20, The 20th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, July 7-10, 2009, Victoria, BC.
- Sahai, T., R.B. Bhiladvala and A.T. Zehnder, “Anomalous Thermo-mechanical Softening-Hardening Transition in Micro-oscillators”, NSTI Nanotech 2008, Technical Proceedings, vol 3, pp. 525-528, 2008. Presented by T.Sahai at Nanotech 2008, Boston, MA.
- Li, M., R. B. Bhiladvala, J. A. Sioss, K.-K. Lew, J. M. Redwing, C. D. Keating, and T. S. Mayer, "High-Performance Nanomechanical Oscillators Fabricated by Bottom-Up Integration of Silicon Nanowires," 64th IEEE Device Research Conference Technical Digest, pp. 185-186 (2006); presented by M. Li at the 64th Device Research Conference in State College, PA, June 2006. Best Student Paper Award to M. Li.
Selected Invited Talks
- CMOSET 2013 Symposium, Whistler, BC, Canada, 19th July 2013. "Mass Sensing with Nanodevices,"
- Beihang University Seminar, Beihang University of Astronautics & Aeronautics, Beijing 15th October 2012. "Directed Assembly of Synthesized Nanowires for Biosensing and Renewable Energy Conversion".
- Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Peking University, Beijing, Oct 11, 2011. "Small Scale Sensing For Energy Conversion Systems".
- School of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Seminar, Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing, Oct 14, 2011. "Nanowires: Mechanics, Materials & Biomolecule Sensing".
- Cornell Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Colloqium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Nov 11, 2008. "Nanoscale mechanics, materials and transport for molecular diagnosis".
- Kamineni Education Society, International Conference on Genetic and Molecular Diagnosis in Modern Medicine, Hyderabad, India, January 7-9, 2008. "Molecular diagnosis of cancer: challenge and response from nanoscale mechanics and assembly."
- ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, McMAT2007, Austin, TX, June 3-7, 2007. "Decoupling nanostructure growth, fabrication and transduction effects in resonance measurement of material properties."
- Gordon Research Conference on Nanostructure Fabrication, Tilton, NH, July 16-21, 2006. "Nanowires: Hydrodynamics and Rarefied Gas Dynamics."
- Center for Nanosale Science/MRSEC Seminar, The Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, PA, July 18, 2005. "Vibrating nanowires: probing nanomechanical behavior and rarefied gas dynamics."
- IEEE AP/ED Seminar, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, March 3, 2005.
- Schlumberger Cambridge Research, Cambridge, UK, March 7, 2005. "Nonlinear vibration and fluid dynamics results for experiments with nanomechanical oscillators."
- Center for Nanosale Science/MRSEC Seminar, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, December, 2004. Joint presentation with Dr. Gary Clawson and Dr. Christine Keating. "Bottom-up assembly of an RNA sensor for cancer screening."
Selected Conference Presentations
- Bhiladvala R.B., Sam, M. and Moghimian, N. "Early Detection of Cancer via Nucleic Acid Markers from Circulating Tumor Cells", ASME 2014 3rd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology, NEMB2014, San Francisco, CA, Feb 2-5, 2014.
- Moghimian, N., J.D. Coelho, S.D. Warwick, M. Sam, R. Key, C. Li and R.B. Bhiladvala, "Tuning Electrodeposition of Gold Nanowires from non-Cyanide Solutions," 2012 MRS Spring Meeting, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, California, April 9-13, 2012.
- “Multianalyte chip-based RNA nanobiosensor for circulating tumor cells and cancer diagnosis.” Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science, 37, 198 (2007). Meeting of the Association of Clinical Scientists, Hershey, PA, May 17, 2007. (co-author with G.A. Clawson, … 10 others).
- “Vibrating Nanowires in Air: Continuum uncertainties affecting drag force estimates in the transition regime of rarefied gas dynamics.” APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 59th Annual Meeting, Tampa Bay, FL, Nov 2006. (co-authors: M. Li and T.S. Mayer)
- “High Performance Nanomechanical Oscillators Fabricated by Bottom-Up Integration of Silicon Nanowires.” Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, Nov 2006; and 64th Device Research Conference, State College, PA, June 2006. (co-author with: M. Li, J.A. Sioss, K.K. Lew, J.M. Redwing, C.D. Keating, T.S. Mayer)
- “Mechanical Property Characterization for Nanowires.” APS 2006 March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2006. (co-authors: M. Li and T.S. Mayer)
- “Nanowire experiments for cylinder drag in the transition regime of rarefied gas dynamics.” APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 58th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2005. (co-authors: M. Li and T.S. Mayer)