The final stage of development is indicated in Figure 7c. At relatively deep submergence (top row of images), vortices A', B and D migrate in the clockwise direction in accord with the wave trajectory, and vortex B' appears on the lower surface of the cylinder at N = 19.
For intermediate submergence (middle row), vorticity concentration A, which, unlike the case of deepest submergence, did not collide with the cylinder, is still identifiable. Development of concentration A' in images N = 17 and 19 is closely similar to its development at the deepest submergence. Vorticity pattern B,D retains its identity of two concentrations at N = 17; they appear distinctly separated at N = 19.
At the shallowest submergence, the array of six counterrotating concentrations of vorticity is still identifiable at N = 17, though the peak vorticity levels of each of the concentrations has generally decreased. At N = 19, onset of vorticity concentration B' along the right surface of the cylinder occurs in a fashion analogous to that at intermediate and deep levels of submergence.