Ned Djilali,
Canada Research Chair,
Energy Systems; Fuel Cell Technology;
Fluid Mechanics; Turbulence; Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
(CFD); Transport Phenomena; Membrane Separation Processes;
Professional Engineer, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C.
President (2001-2002), Exec. Director (1999-2001), and Board Member (1997-1999) Computational
Fluid Dynamics Society of
Fellow, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME)
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Member, International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE)
Associate Editor, ASME J. Fuel Cell Science & Technology
Editorial Board, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy
Editorial Board, CFD Journal
Board, Mathematical
Modelling and Applied Computing
Advisory Board, NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation
BC Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Industry Strategy Committee
Board of Directors, Innovation & Development Corporation
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Organizing Committee, CFD 2003
Scientific Committee, ASME International Conference on
Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008
Program Committee, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2003, 2004
Program Committee, CASI 2005 Aerodynamics Symposium,
May 2005
Technical Committee, International Green Energy Conference
(IGEC-1), June 2005
Technical Program Committee, 2005 World Hydrogen Technologies
Chair, 20th Int. Symposium on Trabnsport Phenomena (ISTP-20), July 2009
144. J.F. Botero-Cadavid, P. Wild, N. Djilali, “ Temperature response and durability characterization of an optical fiber sensor for the detection of hydrogen peroxide”, Electrochimica Acta, In Press, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2014.02.088
143. B. Zhang, D.-d. Yea, P.-C. Sui, N. Djilali, X. Zhu, “Computational modeling of air-breathing microfluidic fuel cells with flow-over and flow-through anodes”, J. Power Sources, In Press, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.02.076
142. R. Singh, A. R. Akhgar, P. C. Sui, K. J. Lange, and N. Djilali, “Dual-Beam FIB/SEM Characterization, Statistical Reconstruction, and Pore Scale Modeling of a PEMFC Catalyst Layer”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 161(4): F415-F424, 2014; doi:10.1149/2.036404jes
141. H. Sadeghifar, N. Djilali, M. Bahrami, “Effect of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and micro porous layer (MPL) on thermal conductivity of fuel cell gas diffusion layers: Modeling and experiments”, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 248, Pages 632-641, February 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.09.136
140. H. Akbari Khorami, J. F. Botero-Cadavid, P. Wild, N. Djilali, “Spectroscopic detection of Hydrogen peroxide with an optical fiber probe using chemically deposited Prussian blue”, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 115, 1 January 2014, Pages 416-424 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2013.10.186
139. T. Broeer, J. Fuller, F. Tuffner, D. Chassin, N. Djilali, “Modeling framework and validation of a smart grid and demand response system for wind power integration”, Applied Energy, Volume 113, January 2014, Pages 199-207, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.06.058
138. B. Chernyavsky, P. Benard, P. Oshkai, N. Djilali, “Numerical investigation of subsonic hydrogen jet release”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, In Press, DOI 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.03.174
137. T. Williams, D. Wang, C. Crawford, N. Djilali, “Integrating renewable energy using a smart distribution system: Potential of self-regulating demand response”, Renewable Energy, Volume 52, Pages 46-56, 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2012.10.013
136. D. Wang, S. Parkinson, W. Miao, H. Jia, C. Crawford, N. Djilali, “Hierarchical market integration of responsive loads as spinning reserve”, Applied Energy, Volume 104, Pages 229-238, 2013; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.10.054
135. H. Sadeghifar, M. Bahrami, N. Djilali, “A statistically-based thermal conductivity model for fuel cell Gas Diffusion Layers” Journal of Power Sources, Volume 233, Pages 369-379, 2013; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.01.086
134. J.F. Botero-Cadavid, A.G. Brolo, P. Wild, N. Djilali, “Detection of hydrogen peroxide using an optical fiber-based sensing probe”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 185, Pages 166-173, 2013; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2013.04.068
133. K.J. Lange, P.-C. Sui, N. Djilali, “Using an ILU/deflation preconditioner for simulation of a PEM fuel cell cathode catalyst layer”, Communications in Computational Physics, Volume: 14, Issue: 3, Pages: 537-573, 2013; doi:10.4208/cicp.180412.301012a
132. C.-C. Chueh, N. Djilali, W. Bangerth, “An h-adaptive operator splitting method for two-phase flow in 3D heterogeneous porous media”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume: 35, Issue: 1, Pages: B149-B175, 2013; doi:10.1137/120866208
131. Kyle J. Lange, Håkan Carlsson, Ian Stewart, Pang-Chieh Sui, Rodney Herring, Ned Djilali, “PEM fuel cell CL characterization using a standalone FIB and SEM: Experiments and simulation”, Electrochimica Acta, 85:322-331, 2012 DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2012.08.082
130. S. Parkinson, D. Wang, C. Crawford and N. Djilali, “Wind integration in self-regulating electric load distributions”, Energy Systems, Volume 3, Pages 341–377, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s12667-012-0060-2
128. Lange KJ, Sui PC, Djilali N, “Determination of effective transport properties in a PEMFC catalyst layer using different reconstruction algorithms”, Journal of Power Sources, Volume: 208 Pages: 354-365, 2012
127. Wu, TC; Djilali N, “Experimental investigation of water droplet emergence in a model polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell microchannel” Journal of Power Sources Volume: 208 Pages: 248-256, 2012
126. David N, Djilali N, Wild P, “Fiber Bragg grating sensor for two-phase flow in microchannels”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Pages: 99-106, 2012
125. Wang D, Parkinson S, Miao W, Jia H, Crawford C, Djilali N, “Online voltage security assessment considering comfort-constrained demand response control of distributed heat pump systems”, Applied Energy, Volume: 96 Pages: 104-114, 2012
124. David NA, Wild PM, Djilali N, “Parametric study of a polymer-coated fibre-optic humidity sensor”, Measurement Science & Technology, Volume: 23 035103, 2012
123. Chernyavsky, B., P.C. Sui, B.S. Jou, and N. Djilali, “Turbulent Flow in the Distribution Header of a PEM Fuel Cell Stack,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 36(12), 7136-7151, 2011
122. Zhu, X., P.C. Sui, N. Djilali, and Q. Liao, ”Dynamics of Emerging Water Droplet Subjected to Sidewall with Different Wettabilities in a Fuel Cell Cathode Channel,” Fuel Cells, 11(3), 404-412, 2011
121.Chernyavsky, B., T.C.Wu, F. Peneau, P. Bénard, P. Oshkai, and N. Djilali, “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Buoyant Gas Release: Application to Hydrogen Jets,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 36(3), 2645-2655, 2011
120. Sadeghi, E., N. Djilali and M. Bahrami , “A novel approach to determine the in-plane thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, J. Power Sources, 196(7), 3565-3571, 2011
119. Lange, K.J., C. Misra, P.-C. Sui and N. Djilali, “A Numerical Study on Preconditioning and Partitioning Schemes for Reactive Transport in a PEMFC Catalyst Layer”, Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 200, 905-916, 2011
118. Lange, K.J., P.-C. Sui and N. Djilali, “Pore Scale Modeling of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Catalyst Layer: Effects of Water Vapour and Temperature “, J. Power Sources, 196(6), 3195-3203, 2011
117. Markicevic, B. and N. Djilali, “Analysis of liquid water transport in fuel cell gas diffusion media using two-mobile phase pore network simulations”, J. Power Sources, 196(5), 2725-2734, 2011
116. Markicevic, B. and N. Djilali, "Dependence of single- and multi-phase permeability on capillary pressure: a unified approach", J. Porous Media, 14(12), 1077–1086, 2011
11. Sadeghi, E., N. Djilali and M. Bahrami, “Effective thermal conductivity and thermal contact resistance of gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Part 1: Effect of compressive load”, J. Power Sources,196(1), 246-254 (2011).
114. Sadeghi, E., N. Djilali and M. Bahrami, “Effective thermal conductivity and thermal contact resistance of gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Part 2: Hysteresis effect under cyclic compressive load”, J. Power Sources, 195(24), 8104-8109 (2010).
113. Lange, K.J., P.C. Sui and N. Djilali, “"Pore Scale Simulation of Transport and Electrochemical Reactions in Reconstructed PEMFC Catalyst Layers", J. Electrochemical Society, 157(10), B1434-B1442 (2010).
112. Chueh, C.C., M. Secanell, W. Bangerth and N. Djilali, “Multi-level Adaptive Simulation of Transient Two-phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media”, Computers & Fluids,
111. N. A. David, P. M. Wild, J. Jensen, T. Navessin and N. Djilali, “Simultaneous In-situ Measurement of Temperature and Relative Humidity in a PEMFC using Optical Fibre Sensors”, J. Electrochemical Society, 157(8), B1173-B1179 (2010), .
110. Chernyavsky, B., T.C. Wu, F. Péneau, P. Bénard, P. Oshkai and N. Djilali, “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Buoyant Gas Release: Application to Hydrogen Jets”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, in press.
109. Berejnov, V., A. Bazylak, D. Sinton and N. Djilali, “Fractal flow patterns in hydrophobic microfluidic pore networks: experimental modeling of two-phase flow in porous electrodes”, J. Electrochemical Society, 157(5), B760-B767 (2010).
108. Kim, G.S, P.C. Sui, A.A. Shah and N. Djilali, "Reduced-dimensional models for straight-channel proton exchange membrane fuel cells", J. Power Sources, 195(10), 3240-3249 (2010).
107. Cheng, C.H., K. Malek, P.C. Sui and N. Djilali, “Effect of Pt Nano-Particle Size on the Microstructure of PEM Fuel Cell Catalyst Layers: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Electrochimica Acta, 55(5), 1588-1597 (2010).
106. Carl, M., N. Djilali and I. Beausoleil-Morrison, “Improved Modelling of the Fuel Cell Power Module within a System-Level Model for Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Cogeneration Systems”, J. Power Sources, 195(8), 2283-2290 (2010).
105. Berejnov, V., D. Sinton and N. Djilali, “Structure of PEMFC Porous Electrodes: An Optical Reconstruction Technique”, J. Power Sources, 195(7), 1936-1939 (2010).
104. Sadeghi, E., M. Bahrami and N. Djilali, “Thermal Spreading Resistance of Arbitrary-Shape Heat Sources on a Half-Space: A Unified Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, 33(2), 267-277 (2010).
103. Sadeghi, E., M. Bahrami and N. Djilali, “Estimation of Nusselt Number in Microchannels of Arbitrary Cross-Section with Constant Axial Heat Flux”, Heat Transfer Engineering, 31(8), 666-674 (2010).
102. Chi, P.H., S.H. Chan, F.B. Weng, A. Su, P.C. Sui and N. Djilali, "On the effects of non-uniform property distribution due to compression in the gas diffusion layer of a PEMFC", Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35(7), 2936-2948 (2010).
101. Zhu, X, Q. Liao, P.C. Sui and N. Djilali, "Numerical investigation of water droplet dynamics in a low-temperature fuel cell microchannel: effect of channel geometry" J. Power Sources, 195(3), 801-812 (2010).
100. Secanell, M., R. Songprakorp, N. Djilali and A. Suleman, "Optimization of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Electrode Assembly", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 40, 563-583 (2010).
99. Péneau, F., G. Pedro, P. Oshkai, P. Bénard and N. Djilali, "Transient Supersonic Release of Hydrogen from a High Pressure Vessel: A Computational Analysis", Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34,5817-5827 (2009).
98. Hu, J., P.C. Sui, S. Kumar and N. Djilali, "Modelling and Simulations of Carbon Corrosion During Operation of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell", Electrochimica Acta, 54, 5583-5592 (2009).
97. David, N.A., P.M. Wild, J. Hu and N. Djilali, "In-Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors for Distributed Temperature Measurement in a PEM Fuel Cell", J. Power Sources,192, 376-380, (2009).
96. Minor, G., N. Djilali, D. Sinton and P. Oshkai, "Flow within a Water Droplet Subjected to an Air Stream in a Hydrophobic Microchannel", Fluid DynamicsResearch, 41(4), 045506 (2009)
95. Schwarz, D. and N. Djilali, "3D modelling of catalyst layers in PEM fuel cells: effects of non-uniform catalyst loading ", Int. J. Energy Research, 33, 631-644 (2009).
94. Bergen, A. , L. Pitt, A. Rowe, P. Wild and N. Dilali, "Transient electrolyser response in a renewable-regenerative energy system", Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34, 64-70 (2009).
93. Kjeang, E., N. Djilali, and D. Sinton, "Microflidic Fuel Cells: A Review", J. Power Sources,186, 353-369 (2009) .
92. Bergen, A., L. Pitt, A. Rowe, P. Wild and N. Djilali, "Experimental assessment of a residential scale renewable-regenerative energy system", J. Power Sources,186, 158-166 (2009).
91. Kjeang, E., R. Michel, D. A. Harrington, D. Sinton and N. Djilali, "An Alkaline Microfluidic Fuel Cell based on Formate and Hypochlorite Bleach", Electrochimica Acta, 54, 698-705 (2008).
90. Bazylak, A., J. Heinrich, N. Djilali and D. Sinton, “Liquid water transport between graphite paper and a solid surface”, J. Power Sources,185, 1147-1153 (2008).
89. Secanell, M., R. Songprakorp, A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "Multi-Objective Optimization of a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Membrane Electrode Assembly", Energy Environ. Sci., 1, 378-388 (2008).
88. Bazylak, A., S. Berejnov, B. Markicevic, D. Sinton and N. Djilali, “Numerical and Microfluidic Pore Networks: Towards Designs for Directed Water Transport in GDLs”, Electrochimica Acta, 53, 7630-7637 (2008).
87. Freunberger, S.A. , I.A. Schneider, P.C Sui, A. Wokaun, N. Djilali and F.N. Büchi, “Cell Interaction Phenomena in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Stacks”, J. Electrochem.
Soc.,155, B704-B714 (2008).
86. Zhu, X., P.
C. Sui, and N. Djilali, "Three Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Water Droplet Dynamics in a PEMFC Gas Channel"J. Power Sources, 181, 101-115 (2008)
85. Berejnov, V., N. Djilali and D. Sinton, "Lab-on-chip Methodologies for the Study of Transport in Porous Media: Energy Applications." Lab on a Chip, 8, 689-693 (2008)
84. Sui, P.C., S. Kumar and N. Djilali, “Advanced Computational Tools for PEM Fuel Cell Design - Part 2: Detailed Experimental Validation and Parametric Study”, J. Power Sources, 180, 423-432 (2008)
83. Sui, P.C., S. Kumar and N. Djilali, “Advanced Computational Tools for PEM Fuel Cell Design - Part 1: Development and Base Case Simulations”, J. Power Sources, 180, 410-422 (2008)
82. Zhu, X., P.
C. Sui, and N. Djilali, "Numerical Simulation of Emergence of a Water
Droplet from a Pore into a Microchannel Gas Stream"Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, 4 (6), 543-555 (2008)
81. Kjeang, E., R. Michel, D. Harrington,N. Djilali and D. Sinton, "A Microfluidic Fuel Cell with Flow-Through Porous Electrodes", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130 (12), 4000-4006 (2008).
80. Sadeghi, E. , M. Baharami and N. Djilali, "Analytic Determination of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of PEM Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers", J. Power Sources,179 (1), 200-208 (2008).
79.Djilali, N. and P.
C. Sui, "Transport phenomena in fuel cells: from microscale to macroscale", Int. J. Comp. Fluid Dynamics, 22 (1-2), 115-133 (2008).
78.Mu, D., Z.-S. Liu, C.
Huang and N. Djilali, "Determination of the effective diffusion coefficient in porous media Including Knudsen effects", Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, 4 (3), 257-260 (2008).
77. Bazylak, A., D. Sinton and N. Djilali, "Dynamic water transport and droplet emergence in PEMFC gas diffusion layers", J. Power Sources, 176 (1), 240-246 (2008)
76. Secanell, M., K, Karan, A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "Optimal Design of Ultra-Low Platinum PEMFC Anode Electrodes", J. Electrochem.
Soc., 155 (2), B125–B134 (2008)
75. Litster, S. and N. Djilali, "Theoretical Performance Analysis Of Micro-Structured Air-Breathing Fuel Cells", Electrochem.
Solid-State Lett., 11 (1), B1-B5 (2008)
74. Minor, G., P. Oshkai and N. Djilali, "Optical distortion correction for liquid droplet visualization using the ray tracing method: further considerations", Meas. Sci. &Technol., Vol. 18 , No 11, L23-L28 (2007).
73. Kjeang, E., A.G. Brolo, D. A. Harrington, N. Djilali and D. Sinton,"Hydrogen Peroxide as an Oxidant for Microfluidic Fuel Cells", J. Electrochem.
Soc., Vol.154, Issue 12, B1220-B1226 (2007).
72. Schwarz, D. and N. Djilali, "3D Modelling of Catalyst Layers in PEM Fuel Cells: Effects of Transport Limitations", J. Electrochem.
Soc., Volume 154, Issue 11, pp. B1167-B1178 (2007).
71. Zhu, X., P.
C. Sui, and N. Djilali, "Dynamic behaviour of liquid water emerging from a GDL pore into a PEMFC gas flow channel",J. Power Sources, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 287-295 (2007).
B., A. Bazylak and N. Djilali, "Determination of Transport Parameters for Multiphase Flow in Porous Gas Diffusion Electrodes using a Capillary Network Model", J. Power Sources,
Volume 171, Issue 2, 2007, pp. 706-717 (2007).
68. Mu, D., Z.-S. Liu, C.
Huang and N. Djilali, "Prediction of the Effective Diffusion
Coefficient in Random Porous Media Using the Finite Element Method", J. Porous Materials, Vol. 14, pp. 49–54, 2007.
67. Secanell, M., K, Karan, A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "Multi-variable optimization of PEMFC cathodes using an agglomerate model", Electrochimica Acta,Vol. 52, Issue 22, pp. 6318-6337, 2007.
E., J. McKechnie, D. Sinton and N Djilali, "Planar and Three-Dimensional
Microfluidic Fuel Cell Architectures Based on Graphite Rod Electrodes", J.
Power Sources, Vol. 168, Issue 2, pp. 379-390, 2007.
65.Kjeang E., B.T. Proctor, A.G. Brolo, D. A. Harrington, N. Djilali, and
D. Sinton, "High-Performance Microfluidic Vanadium Redox Fuel Cell", Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 52, Issue 15, pp. 4942-4946, 2007.
64. Litster, S. and
N. Djilali, "Mathematical Modelling of Ambient Air-Breathing
Fuel Cells for Portable Devices", Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 52, pp.
3849-3862, 2007.
63. Bazylak, A.,
62. Djilali, N., "Computational
Modelling of PEM Fuel Cells: Challenges and Possibilities", (invited) Energy, Vol.
32, Issue 4, 269-280, 2007.
61. Bergen, A., T.
Schmeister, L. Pitt; A. Rowe; P. Wild and N. Djilali, "Development
of a Dynamic Regenerative Fuel Cell System", J. Power Sources, Vol. 164, Issue
2, pp. 624-630, 2007.
60. Secanell, M.,
B. Carnes, A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "Numerical Optimization
of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Cathodes", Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 52, Issue
7, pp. 2668-2682, 2007.
59. Bazylak, A.,
D. Sinton, Z.-S. Liu and N. Djilali, "Effect of Compression
on Liquid Water Transport and Microstructure of PEMFC Gas Diffusion Layers"
J. Power Sources, Vol. 163, Issue 2, 784-792, 2007.
58. Carnes,
B. and
57. Sui, P.C. and
56. Litster,
S., J.G. Pharoah, G. McLean and
55. Markicevic,
B. and N. Djilali, "Two-Scale
Modelling in Porous Media: Relative Permeability Predictions", Physics of
Fluids, 18, 033101 (13 pages),
54. Litster,
S., D. Sinton and N. Djilali, "Ex situ Visualization
of Liquid Water Transport in PEM Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers", J. Power
Sources, Vol. 154, 95-105, 2006.
53. Bazylak,
A., Djilali and D. Sinton , "Natural Convection
in an Enclosure with Distributed Heat Sources", Num. Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 49, pp. 655-667, 2006.
52. Litster,
S., J. Pharoah and
51. Stockdill, B., G. Pedro, A. Suleman, F. Magagnato and
N. Djilali, "Simulation of Unsteady Turbulent Flow over a Stalled
Airfoil", CFD Journal, 14(4): 359-378, 2006.
50. Prince-Richard, S. , M. Whale and N.
Djilali, "A Techno-Economic
Analysis of Decentralized Electrolytic Hydrogen Production for Fuel Cell Vehicles", Int. J.
Hydrogen Energy , Vol. 30, pp. 1159-1179, 2005.
49. Fimrite,
J., B. Carnes, H. Struchtrup and Djilal, "Transport
phenomena in polymer electrolyte membranes. Part II: Binary friction membrane
model", J. Electrochem.
Soc., Vol. 152, pp. A1815-A1823, 2005.
48. Fimrite,
J., H. Struchtrup and N. Djilali, "Transport
phenomena in polymer electrolyte membranes. Part I: modeling framework", J. Electrochem.
Soc., 2005, Vol. 152, pp. A1804-A1814, 2005.
47. Sui, P.C. and N.
Djilali, "Analysis of Water Transport
in Proton Exchange Membranes using a Phenomenological Model", ASME J. Fuel Cell Science
& Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 149-155, 2005.
46. Carnes, B.
and N. Djilali, "Systematic Parameter Estimation
for PEM Fuel Cell Models", J. Power Sources, Vol.
144, pp 83-93, June 2005.
45. Bazylak,
A. , D. Sinton and
44. Martin, J., P. Oshkai
and N. Djilali, "Flow Structures in a U-Shaped
Fuel Cell Flow Channel: Quantitative Visualization Using Particle Image Velocimetry", ASME J. Fuel Cell Science
& Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 70-80, Feb 2005.
43. Cao, J. and N.
Djilali, "Numerical Modelling of PEM
Fuel Cells under Partially Hydrated Membrane Conditions", ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 127, pp. 26-36, March
42. Sivertsen, B. R.
41. Nguyen, P.T., T. Berning and
N. Djilali, "Computational Model of a PEM Fuel Cell with Serpentine
Gas Flow Channels", J. Power Sources, Vol. 130, No. 1-2, pp.
149-157, May 2004.
40. Peneau, F., H.C. Boisson, A. Kondjoyan and
N. Djilali, "Structure of a Flat Plate Boundary Layer Subjected
to Free-Stream Turbulence", Int. J. CFD, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 175-188,
Feb. 2004.
39. Berning, T. and N. Djilali, "A 3D, Multi-Phase, Multicomponent Model of the Cathode and Anode of a PEM
Fuel Cell", J. Electrochem.
Soc.Vol. 150,
No. 12, pp. A1589-A1598, December, 2003.
38. Berning, T. and N. Djilali, "Three-dimensional Computational
Analysis of Transport Phenomena in a PEM Fuel Cell - A Parametric Study", J.
Power Sources Vol. 124,
No. 2, pp. 440-452, Nov. 2003.
37. Pedro, G., A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "A Numerical Study of the Propulsive
Efficiency of a Flapping Hydrofoil", Int. J. Num. Methods in
Fluids, Vol 42, pp. 493-526, June 2003.
36. Bergen, A.,
35. Bouhadji, L., and N. Djilali, "Forcing of Unsteady Separated
Flow and Convective Heat Transfer Via Bulk Upstream Oscillations", International
Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 24, no. 1, pp 77-90, Feb 2003.
34. Berning, T., D.M. Lu,
and N. Djilali, "Three-Dimensional
Computational Analysis of Transport Phenomena in a PEM Fuel Cell," J. Power
Sources, Vol. 106, No. 1-2, pp. 284-294, April, 2002.
33. McLean, G.F., T. Niet, S. Prince-Richard
and N. Djilali, "An Assessment of Alkaline Fuel Cell Technology," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 27, No.
5, pp. 507-526, March, 2002.
32. Djilali, N., and D.M. Lu, "Influence of Heat Transfer on Gas and Water Transport
in Fuel Cells," Int. J. Thermal Science, Vol. 41, No.
1, pp. 29-40, January, 2002.
31. Bergen, A., P.M. Wild, N. Djilali
and G.W. Vickers, "Fundamental Aspects of Centrifugal
Membrane Separation," J. Process Mech.
30. Merida, W., G.F. McLean and N.
Djilali, "Non-planar Architecture for Proton Exchange Membrane
Fuel Cells," J. Power Sources, Vol. 102, pp. 178-185,
December, 2001.
29. Moinat, P., and N. Djilali, "Application of Large Eddy Simulation to High
Reynolds Number Separated Flow," CFD Journal, Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 119-135,
April, 2001.
28. Peneau, F., H. Boisson and
N. Djilali, "Large Eddy Simulation of the
Influence of High Free-Stream Turbulence on a Spatially Evolving Boundary
Layer," Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow. Vol. 21, No. 5, pp.
640-647, September, 2000.
27. Suksangpanomrung, A., N. Djilali and P.
Moinat, "Large Eddy Simulation of Separated
Flow over a Bluff Plate," Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol.
21, No. 5, pp. 655-663, September, 2000.
26. Pharoah, J.G.,
25. Singh, D., D.M. Lu and N.
Djilali, "A Two-Dimensional Analysis of Mass Transport in Proton
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells," International Journal of Engineering
Science, Vol. 37, pp. 431-452, December, 1999.
24. Zeidan, E. and N. Djilali,
"Three-Dimensional Computation of Separated Flow around Surface-Mounted
Prismatic Obstacles with a Multiple-Time-Scale Turbulence Model," Computational
Fluid Dynamics Journal, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 27-41, 1998.
23. Billenness, D.,
22. Wild, P.M., G.W. Vickers and N.
Djilali, "The Fundamental Principles and Design Considerations for
the Implementation of Centrifugal Reverse-Osmosis Desalination," Proc.
Inst. Mech.
21. Kimura, M.,
20. Nikfetrat, K., N. Djilali and
S. Dost, "Accuracy and Non-Uniqueness Aspects of Numerical Solutions
of Some Natural Convection Problems," J. Applied Math. Modelling,
Vol. 20, pp. 371-378, 1996.
19. Wild, P.M., N. Djilali and G.W.
Vickers, "Experimental and Computational Assessment of Windage Losses
in Rotating Machinery," ASME J. Fluids
18. Zeidan, E., and N. Djilali, "Multiple-Time-Scale
Turbulence Model Computations of Flow over a Square Rib," AIAA J.,
Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 626-629, 1996.
17. Qin, Z., S. Dost, N. Djilali
and B. Tabarrok, "A Finite Element Model for Liquid Phase Electroepitaxial
Growth of GaAs Crystals," Int J. Numerical Methods in
16. Li, X., and N. Djilali, "On Scaling
of Separation Bubbles," JSME Int. J., Series B, Vol. 38, No. 4,
pp. 541-548, 1995.
15. Qin, Z., S. Dost, N. Djilali
and B. Tabarrok, "A Model for Liquid Phase Electroepitaxy Under an External
Magnetic Field. Part 2: Application," J. Crystal Growth, Vol.
153, pp. 131-139, 1995.
14. Djilali, N., Z. Qin and S.
Dost, "Role of Thermosolutal Convection in Liquid Phase Electroepitaxial
Growth of Gallium-Arsenide," J. Crystal Growth, Vol. 149, pp.
153-166, 1995.
13. Dost, S., N. Djilali and K. Nikfetrat,
"Effective Use of Convection in Liquid Phase Epitaxial Growth of Bulk
12. Kimura, M., N. Djilali and S. Dost,
"Convective Transport and Interface Kinetics in Liquid Phase Epitaxy,"
J. Crystal Growth, Vol. 143, pp. 334-348, 1994.
11. Dost, S., Z. Qin and
10. Djilali, N., "Forced Laminar
Convection in an Array of Stacked Plates," Numerical Heat Transfer,
Part A, Vol. 25, pp. 393-408, 1994.
9. Erbay, S., H.A. Erbay, N. Djilali and
S. Dost, "Numerical Simulation of Dissolution and Liquid-Phase-Epitaxial
Growth of Silicon," Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal,
Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 227-242, 1993.
8. Kafyeke, F., P. Piperni, M. Mokhtarian and
7. Erbay, S., H.A. Erbay, N. Djilali and
S. Dost, "Investigation of Solutal Convection During the Dissolution
of Silicon in a
6. Djilali, N., and I.S. Gartshore, "Effect
of Leading Edge Geometry on a Turbulent Separation Bubble," AIAA Journal,
Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 559-561, 1992.
5. Djilali, N., I.S. Gartshore and M.
Salcudean, "Turbulent Flow Around a Bluff Rectangular Plate. Part II:
Numerical Predictions," ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol.
113, pp. 60-67, 1991.
4. Djilali, N., and I.S. Gartshore, "Turbulent
Flow Around a Bluff Rectangular Plate. Part I: Experimental Investigation,"
ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 113, pp. 51-59, 1991.
3. Gartshore, I., M. Salcudean, A. Riahi and
N. Djilali, "Measured and Calculated Values of Discharge Co-efficients
From Flush Inclined Holes: Application to Film Cooling of Turbine Blades,"
Canadian Aeronautics & Space Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 9-15,
2. Stropky, D., N. Djilali,
1. Djilali, N., I.S. Gartshore and M.
Salcudean, "Calculation of Heat Transfer in Recirculating Turbulent Flow
Using Various Near-Wall Turbulence Models," Numerical Heat Transfer,
Part A, Vol. 16, pp. 189-212, 1989.
5."Fuel Cell with Porous Flow-Through Electrodes", US Pat Appl. Application number: 11/869,277, Publication Number: US 2009/0092882 A1, April 2009. Inventors: E. Kjeang, D. Sinton and N. Djilali.
4."Membranes and Electrochemical Cells
Incorporating such Membranes", US Patent 7,226,646, issued June 2007. Inventors: McLean, G.F., T. Ngo, N. Djilali, A. Stukas and J.
3."Fuel Cells
Incorporating Membranes", US Patent 7,223,491, issued May
2007. Inventors: McLean, G.F., T. Ngo, N. Djilali, A. Stukas and J.
2."Corrugated Separator Plate and Manifold
Assembly for Use in an Electrochemical Fuel Cell", US Patent 6,544,681, April 2003.
Inventors: G.F. McLean, N.
Djilali, C. Reid, J. Lindstrom and
1. "Electrochemical Fuel Cell Having an Undulate
Membrane Electrode Assembly," GB2339058 and WO 00/02275 Patents, January
2000. Inventors: G.F. McLean, N. Djilali, C. Reid and P. Crane
Contributions to Books
9. E. Kjeang, N. Djilali, and D. Sinton, "Advances in Microfluidic Fuel Cells", Chapter 3 in Micro Fuel Cells-Principles and Applications, T.S. Zhao (Editor), pp. 99-139, Elsevier, 2009.
8. P.C. Sui and N. Djilali, “PEMFC Modeling”, in Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Jürgen Garche (Editor), pp. 868-878, Elsevier, 2009.
7. J. Fimrite, B. Carnes, H. Struchtrup and N. Djilali, “Coupled Proton and Water Transport in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes”, in Device and Materials Modeling in PEM Fuel Cells, S.J. Paddison & K.S. Promislow (Eds.), Book Series: Topics in Applied Physics Vol. 113, pp. 123-155, Springer Science, 2009.
6. E. Kjeang, N. Djilali, and D. Sinton, "Microfluidic Fuel Cells", in Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 1169-1177, ISBN: 978-0-387-32468-5 (Print) 978-0-387-48998-8 (Online), 2008.
5. G. Minor, X. Zhu, P. Oshkai, P.C. Sui, and N. Djilali, Water Transport Dynamics in Fuel Cell Micro-Channels, , in Mini-Micro Fuel Cells-Fundamentals and Applications, S. Kakac,A.Pramuanjaroenkij and L. Vasiliev, Eds. Springer Netherlands, pp. 153-170, 2008.
4. S. Litster and N. Djilali, Performance Analysis of Microstructured Fuel Cells for Portable Applications, in Mini-Micro Fuel Cells-Fundamentals and Applications, S. Kakac,A.Pramuanjaroenkij and L. Vasiliev, Eds. Springer Netherlands, pp. 47-74, 2008.
3.Kjeang, E., N. Djilali and D. Sinton, "Microfluidic Fuel Cells" in Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (Ed. D. Li), Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-0-387-32468-5, 2008.
2. Litster, S. and N. Djilali "Two-Phase
Transport in Porous Gas Diffusion Electrodes" Chapter
5, in Transport Phenomena in Fuel Cells (Eds. M. Faghri & B. Sunden),
pp. 175-213, WIT Press, Southampton
1. Djilali, N. and A. Suksangpanomrung,
"Numerical Simulation of Unsteady
Separated Flow and Convective Heat Transfer," Chapter 31 in High Performance
Computing Systems and Applications (Ed. N. Dimopoulos and K.F. Li), pp.
481-498, Kluwer Academic, January, 2002.
Conference Proceedings (papers published after 2006
1. Djilali, N. and S. Dunlop (Eds.), Proceedings
of CFD97 Conference, 1997.
104. Djilali, N., "Transport Phenomena in Fuel Cells: From
Microsacle to Macroscale", (Keynote Paper), Proc. CFD 06,
103. Secanell, M., A.
Suleman and N. Djilali, "Gradient-Based Optimisation
of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Catalyst Layers", Paper 218 (20 pages), Proc.Fifth Int. Conf.
on Engineering Computational Technology (Civil-Comp
Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland), Las Plamas, Spain, Sep 2006.
102. Secanell, M., B. Carnes, A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "Two-dimensional
Gradient-Based Optimization of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Electrodes", ECCM-2006 - III European Conference on Computational Mechanics,
101. Sui, P.C., S. Kumar and N.
Djilali, "Design and Optimization of the Gas Channels of
a PEMFC Using CFD-Based Simulation Tools", Proc. 4th Int. ASME Conf. Fuel Cell
Science, Engineering and Technology, Irvice CA, June 2006
100. Mackie, R., P.C. Sui and N. Djilali, "Modelling and Simulation of Flow Distribution in a PEMFC Stack", Proc. 4th Int. ASME Conf. Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and
Technology, Irvice CA, June 2006
99. Secanell, M., B. Carnes, N. Djilali and A. Suleman, "Gradient-Based
Optimization of the Catalyst Layer of a PEM Fuel Cell Cathode", Fuel Cell Seminar,
98. Litster, S., and N. Djilali, "An Analytic Model
of the Membrane Electrode Assembly in a PEMFC", Proc. ASME 3rd Int. Conf. on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and
Technology, Ypsilanti, MI, May, 2005.
97. Bergen, A., N Djilali, L. Pitt, A. Rowe and P.
Wild, "Integration of a Regenerative Hydrogen Based Energy System", (Invited) Proc. World Hydrogen Energy Tech.
96. Litster, S., J.G. Pharoah, N. Djilali and G. McLean, "Computational
Analysis of a Micro-Structured PEMFC Featuring Nano-Porous Gas Diffusion Media", (Invited), Proc. World Hydrogen Energy Tech.
95. Sui, P.C., and N. Djilali, "Numerical Analysis
of Coupled Electron and Mass Transport in the Gas Diffusion Layer of a PEMFC", Proc. Int. Symp. on Fuel Cell & Hydrogen
Technologies, (Ed. D. Ghosh), Met. Soc., pp. 417-429,
94. Schwarz, D. H., and N. Djilali, "Effects of
Transport Limitations and Non-uniform Catalyst Distributions in PEM Fuel Cells:
Modelling and Numerical Analysis", Proc. Int. Symp. on Fuel Cell &
Hydrogen Technologies, (Ed. D. Ghosh), Met. Soc., pp. 401-416,
93. Mu, D.,
92. Djilali, N., "Bridging Micro- and Macro-scale Transport
in PEM Fuel Cell Modelling", (Keynote Paper) Proc. Int. Symp. on Fuel Cell &
Hydrogen Technologies, (Ed. D. Ghosh), Met. Soc., pp. 101-115,
91. Freunberger, S. A., F. Buchi and N. Djilali, "Electrical
and Thermal Cell-to-Cell Coupling in PEFC StacksA CFD Analysis", 3rd European Polymer Electrolyte
Fuel Cell Forum,
90. Bazylak, A., D. Sinton and N. Djilali, "Enhanced
Microconvection Through Distributed Heat Source Modulation", ASME Int. Conf. on Microchannels and Minichannels,
89. Brodrecht, D., S. Liu and N. Djilali, "Finite
Element Analysis of a Fuel Cell Membrane-Electrode Assembly under Compression", Proc. Int. Green Energy Conf. (IGEC-1),
88. Markicevic, B., and N. Djilali, "Relative Permeability
and Capillary Pressure for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: A Capillary Network
Analysis", Proc. Int. Green Energy Conf. (IGEC-1),
87. Kjeang, E., D. Sinton, D. A. Harrington and N. Djilali, "A
Computational Study of Enzyme Patterning on Microfluidic Biofuel Cell Electrodes", Proc. Int. Green Energy Conf. (IGEC-1),
Waterloo, Canada, June, 2005.
86. Pitt, L., C. Van Kooten and N. Djilali "Increasing
Penetration Levels of Intermittent Renewable Energy Systems and Their Impact", Proc. Int. Green Energy Conf. (IGEC-1),
85. Djilali, N. "Computational Fuel Cell Engineering: Challenges
and Opportunities", (Keynote paper), Proc. ECOS 2005 (18th Int. Conf. on Efficiency,
Cost, Optimization, Simulation & Environmental Impact of Energy Systems),
pp. 19-28,
84. Pedro, G., A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "Fluid-Structure Interaction Issues in Deformation Based
Subsea Propulsion Systems", paper AIAA-2005-2177, 13th
AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conf., Austin, Texas, April, 2005
83. Markicevic, B. and
N. Djilali, "Continuum and Discrete Modeling
of Porous Media with Application to Relative Permeability Predictions", 57th Meeting APS Division of Fluid Dynamics,
82. Bazylak, A., D. Sinton and N. Djilali, "Membraneless Liquid-Fuel Microfluidic Fuel Cells:
A Computational Study", Int. Mech. Engineering Congress, Nov. 2004,
81. Martin, J., P. Oshkai, and N. Djilali, "Quantitative Imaging of Flow Structures in a
U-Shaped Fuel Cell Flow Channel", Proc. ASME 2nd Int. Conf. Fuel Cell Science,
Engineering & Technology,
80. Sui, J. and N. Djilali, "Numerical Analysis of Water Transport in PEM
Fuel Cell Membranes Using a Phenomenological Model", Proc. ASME 2nd Int. Conf. Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology,
79. Pedro, G., A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "A general purpose, modular computational platform
for fluid-structure interaction problems", Proc. 12th Conf. CFD Soc. of Canada,
78. Bang, M., S. Yde-Andersen, T.
Condra, N. Djilali, and E. Skou, "Modeling of Potential Fields and Electrochemical
reactions in PEM fuel Cells", Proc. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2003, Vancouver, June 2003, pp. 11-22
77. Pitt, L., and N. Djilali, "Multipurpose Renewable Energy System Test Facility", Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2003, Vancouver, June 2003, (Abstract)
p. 39
76. Nguyen,
P., T. Berning, M. Bang, and N. Djilali, "Three-Dimensional
Model of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with Serpentine Flow Channels", Proc. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
75. Pharoah, J.G., S. Litster and N. Djilali, "Mass Transfer Enhancement in Membrane Separation
–Rotating vs. Helical Modules", CFD 2003,
74. Pedro, G., A. Suleman and N. Djilali, "Flapping Hydrofoil Performance
at Low Reynolds Numbers", CFD 2003, Vancouver, May 28-30, 2003
73. Bouhadji, L., D. Lemon, D. Billenness,
D. Fissel and N. Djilali, "Computational Analysis of Turbulent
Flow in Hydroelectric Plant Intakes", CFD 2003,
72. Berning, T. and N. Djilali, "Three-Dimensional, Multi-Phase
Model of the Gas Diffusion Electrodes in a PEM Fuel Cell", 203rd Meeting
of the Electrochem. Soc.,
Berning, T., and N. Djilali, "Parametric Study
of Transport Phenomena in PEM Fuel Cells Using a 3D Computational Model", ASME First Int. Conf. Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology,
70. Pharoah, J.G. and N. Djilali, "Flow
Over Periodic Arrays of Obstacles with and Without Channel Rotation," AIAA
41st Aero. Sciences Mtg, paper AIAA-2003-1128,
69. Djilali, N. and T. Berning, "Computational Modelling and
Simulation of Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells ", (Keynote Lecture), in
Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Structural/Chemical Systems,
pp. 271-276, ASME PVP-Vol 448-1, Aug. 2002
68. Litster, S., J.G. Pharoah and
N. Djilali, "Flow And Mass Transfer In Helical Pipes ", Progress in Transport Phenomena, (Eds.
S. Dost, H. Struchtrup and
67. Merida, W., D. Harrington, G. McLean
and N. Djilali, "Hardware Development For Impedance Spectroscopy On
A 4-Cell PEM Fuel Cell Stack Under Load," Proc. World Hydrogen Energy Conf.,
66. Pharoah, J.G. and N. Djilali, "Effect
Of Rotation On Convective Mass Transfer In Rotating Channels," Proc. CFD2002 (10th Conference of The CFD Society of
65. Peneau, F., H. C. Boisson,
A. Kondjoyan and N. Djilali, "Flat Plate Boundary Layer Spatial Structure
under free-stream turbulence," Proc.
CFD2002 (10th Conference of the CFD Society of
64. Pedro, G., A. Suleman and N. Djilali,
"Fluid-Structure Interactions of Swimming Propulsion in Adaptive Undersea
Vehicles," Proc. Canada-US Cansmart Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures,
pp. 259-270,
63. Berning, T. and N. Djilali, "Three-Dimensional
Computational Analysis of Transport Phenomena in a PEM Fuel Cell," Proc.
Seventh Grove Symp.,
62. Prince-Richard, S., M. Whale and N.
Djilali, "Decentralized Electrolytic Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Vehicles:
Why, Where and How," Proc. Seventh Grove Symposium,
61. Pedro, G., A. Suleman and N. Djilali,
"Fluid-Structure Interaction Modelling in Adaptive Undersea Vehicles," in
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Vol. 2, pp. 1342-1345,
Elsevier, June, 2001.
60. Djilali, N., "Application of CFD to
Fuel Cell Modelling and Simulation," (Invited Paper), Proc. 11th
Canadian Hydrogen Conf., pp. 157-166,
59. Berning, T., and N. Djilali,
"Transport Phenomena in a PEM Fuel Cell: A Parametric Study Using a Three-Dimensional
Computational Model," (Best Student Poster Prize) Proc. 11th
Canadian Hydrogen Conf., pp. 699-707,
58. Djilali, N. and L. Bouhadji, "Effect
of Periodic Upstream Oscillations on Convective Heat Transfer in an Unsteady
Separated Flow," Advances in Computational Heat Transfer (Eds. G. de Vahl
Davis and E. Leonardi), Vol. 1, pp. 575-582, Begel House, May, 2001.
57. Pedro,
G., A. Suleman, C. Crawford and N. Djilali, "Numerical and Experimental
Fluid-Structure Interaction Modelling in Adaptive Undersea Vehicles," Proc.
6th Canadian Marine Hydromechanics and Structures Conf., pp.
322-329, Vancouver, BC, May, 2001.
56. Rahnama,
M., L. Bouhadji and N. Djilali, "Unsteady Flow in a Bluff Plate
Array," Proc. CFD2001 (9th Conference of the CFD Society of
55. Pharoah, J.G., and
N. Djilali, "Laminar over Periodic Arrays of Square Obstacles" Proc.
CFD2001 (9th Conference of the CFD Society of
54. Djilali, N., T. Berning, "Three-Dimensional
Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer in Fuel Cells," (Invited
Paper) Proc. CFD2001 (9th Conference of the CFD Society of
53. Bergen, A., N. Djilali, K.
Ekstrand, T.M. Fyles and G.W. Vickers, "Flux Enhancement and Fouling Alleviation
by Centrifugal Membrane Separation using a Spiral-wound Membrane Element,"
12th Ann. Mtg. North American Membrane Society, Lexington,
KY, USA, May, 2001.
52. Pharoah,
J.G., and N. Djilali, "Numerical Modeling of Fluid Dynamics and
Mass Transfer in Membrane Separation Processes," (2nd Prize,
Student Paper Competition) 12th Ann. Mtg. North American
Membrane Society,
51. McLean, G.F., N. Djilali,
M. Whale and T. Niet, "Application of Micro-Scale Techniques to
Fuel Cell Systems Design," 10th Canadian Hydrogen Conf., pp. 349-358, Quebec City, May 2000.
50. Prince-Richard, S., M. Whale and N.
Djilali, "A Techno-Economic Analysis of Electrolytic Hydrogen Production
for Fuel Cell Vehicles," 10th Canadian Hydrogen Conf., pp. 760-768, Quebec City, May, 2000.
49. Merida, W., G.F. McLean, N. Djilali,
J. Lindstrom and P. Sobejko, "Novel PEM Fuel Cell Design with
Non-Planar Membrane-Electrode Assemblies," (Best Student Poster Prize)
10th Canadian Hydrogen Conference, pp. 349-358, Quebec City, May, 2000.
48. Cao, J., and N. Djilali, "Computational
Simulation of Water Transport in PEM Fuel Cells Using an Improved Membrane
Model," 10th Canadian Hydrogen Conf., pp. 447-456, Quebec City, May, 2000.
47. Djilali,
N., J. Neumann, A. Bouhadji, H. Boisson and F. Peneau, "Effect
of Periodic Upstream Oscillations on Separated Flow," Proc. 8th Conf.
CFD Society of
45. Pharoah,
J.G., and N. Djilali, "Flow in a Rotating Rectangular Channel,"
Proc. 8th Conference of the CFD Society of
45. Suksangpanomrung, A., N. Djilali and P.
Moinat, "Large Eddy Simulation of Separated Flow over a Bluff Plate,"
Turbulence and Shear Flow-1, pp. 1033-1038, (Eds. S. Banerjee and J.K.
Eaton), Begel House, September, 1999.
44. Peneau, F., H. Boisson, and
N. Djilali, "Large Eddy Simulation of the Influence of High Free-Stream
Turbulence on a Spatially Evolving Boundary Layer," Turbulence and
Shear Flow-1, pp. 685-690, (Eds. S. Banerjee and J.K. Eaton), Begel
House, September, 1999.
43. Djilali,
N., T. Berning and D.M. Lu, "Computational Analysis of Transport
Phenomena in Fuel Cells," Proc. 8th Conference of the CFD Society
42. Pharoah, J.G., and N. Djilali,
"Rotation Induced Secondary Flows in Centrifugal Membrane and Density
Separation," Proc. CFD 99, pp. 5.21-26,
41. Djilali N., and A. Suksangpanomrung,
"Direct and Large Eddy Simulation of Unsteady Separated Flow," Proc.
CASI Aerodynamics Symposium, pp. 397-404,
40. Djilali, N., D.M. Lu and T. Berning,
"Heat, Mass and Water Transport in Fuel Cells: A Computational Model,"
Proc. 9th Canadian Hydrogen Conf, pp. 589-601,
39. Djilali, N., and D.M. Lu, "A
Multi-Component, Multi-Dimensional Model for Heat and Mass Transport in Proton-Exchange
Membrane Fuel Cells," 1998 Fuel Cell Seminar, pp. 562-565,
38. Suksangpanomrung, A., and N. Djilali,
"Wavelet Analysis of Unsteady Separated Flow Simulations," Proc.
CFD 98, pp. VII.17-VII-22,
37. Pharoah, J.G., N. Djilali,
G.W. Vickers and P.M. Wild, "A Numerical Investigation of Centrifugal
Membrane and Density Separation," Proc. CFD 98, pp. V.11-V.16,
36. Lu,
D.M., and N. Djilali, "Convective and Diffusive Heat and Mass
Transfer in Fuel Cells," Proc. CFD 97, pp. 7.15-7.20,
35. Suksangpanomrung, A., P. Moinat
and N. Djilali, "Large-Eddy Simulation of Flow over a Bluff Plate,"
Proc. CFD 97, pp. 4.15-4.20,
34. Suksangpanomrung, A., P. Moinat
and N. Djilali, "Unsteady Separated-Reattaching Flow Over a Blunt
Plate," Proc. CASI 6th Aerodynamics Symposium, pp. 55-63,
33. Wild, P.M., G.W. Vickers and N.
Djilali, "
32. Singh, D., D.M. Lu and N.
Djilali, "Transport Processes in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells,"
Proc. Trabzon International Energy & Environment Symposium, pp.
615-621, Trabzon, Turkey, July, 1996.
31. Zeidan, E., and N. Djilali,
"Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow Separation Over Prismatic Obstacles,"
Proc. CFD 96, pp. 621-628,
30. Moinat, P., and N. Djilali,
"Large-Eddy Simulation of Separated Flows: Effect of Inlet Conditions,"
Proc. CFD 96, pp. 255-262,
29. Zeidan, E., and N. Djilali,
"Prediction of 2D and 3D Turbulent Obstacle Flows with a Multiple-Time-Scale
Turbulence Model," Proc. 10th Symp. Turbulent Shear Flow, pp.
10.19-24, Penn State U., University Park, PA, August, 1995.
28. Kimura, M., N. Djilali, S. Dost, H.
Kanai, A. Tanaka and T. Sukegawa, "Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Silicon froma
Gallium Solution," Proc. 15th Canadian Congress Appl. Mech. (CANCAM
95), pp. 628-630, Victoria, May, 1995.
27. Qin, Z., S. Dost, N. Djilali
and B. Tabarrok, "Computational Fluid Dynamics in Crystal Growth,"
Proc. 15th Canadian Congress Appl. Mech. (CANCAM 95), pp. 762-763,
Victoria, May, 1995.
26. Zeidan, E., and N. Djilali,
"Computation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Turbulent Obstacle Flow,"
Proc. 15th Canadian Congress Appl. Mech. (CANCAM 95), pp. 628-630,
Victoria, May, 1995.
25. N. Djilali, Z. Qin, S. Dost
and B. Tabarrok, "Computational Analysis of Thermosolutal Convection
24. Djilali, N., and E. Zeidan,
"Turbulent Obstacle Flows: Comparison of Three Turbulence Models,"
Proc. 1st Asian CFD Conference, pp. 167-170,
23. Dost, S., N. Djilali, S. Erbay and
H.A. Erbay, "Effect of Solutal Convection During the Growth of Silicon
in a
22. Qin, Z., S. Dost, N. Djilali
and B. Tabarrok, "A Finite Element Model for Liquid Phase Electroepitaxial
Growth of GaAs Crystals," World Congress on Computational
21. Qin, Z., N. Djilali and S.
Dost: "Influence of Convection on Liquid Phase Electroepitaxial Growth,"
Proc. 11th Canadian Symp. Fluid Dynamics,
20. Nikfetrat, K., N. Djilali and
S. Dost, "Effect of Wavelength of Initial Perturbations on Rayleigh Bénard
Convection," Proc. 11th Canadian Symp. Fluid Dynamics, pp. 80-83,
19. Zeidan, E., and N. Djilali,
"Multiple-Time Scale Turbulence Model Predictions of Flow around a Square
Rib," Proc. 11th Canadian Symp. Fluid Dynamics, pp. 19-22,
18. Djilali, N., Z. Qin and S.
Dost, "Role of Thermo-Solutal Convection in Liquid Phase Electroepitaxial
Crystal Growth," Proc. SPACEBOUND 94, pp. 112-114,
17. Nikfetrat, K., N. Djilali and
S. Dost, "Liquid Phase Epitaxial Crystal Growth by Temperature Modulation:
A Numerical Investigation," Advances in Comp. Methods in Fluid Dynamics
(Eds. K.N. Ghia, U. Ghia & D. Goldtein) ASME-FED, Vol. 196, pp. 345-353,
Lake Tahoe, NV, June, 1994.
16. Zapach, T., and N. Djilali,
"Finite Volume Domain Decomposition Solutions for Fluid Flow Problems,"
Advances in Comp. Methods in Fluid Dynamics (Eds. K.N. Ghia, U. Ghia
and D. Goldtein) ASME-FED, Vol. 196, pp. 167-176, Lake Tahoe, Nevada,
June, 1994.
15. Wild, P.M., N. Djilali and
G.W. Vickers, "Experimental and Computational Assessment of Windage Torque
in Rotating Machinery," Contributed Papers in Fluids Engg (Ed.
F.M. White) ASME-FED, Vol. 182, pp. 41-47, Lake Tahoe, NV, June, 1994.
14. Dost, S, N. Djilali and Z. Qin,
"Computer Simulations for Liquid Phase Electro-Epitaxial Growth of GaAs,"
Ninth Int. Conf. on Mathematical and Computer Modelling,
13. Dost, S., Z. Qin and N. Djilali,
"A Two-Dimensional Model for Liquid Phase Electro-Epitaxial Growth of
GaAs," Proc. SPACEBOUND 93, pp. 16-18,
12. Djilali N., S. Dost, H.A. Erbay and S. Erbay,
"Numerical Study of Solutal Convection During the Dissolution and Liquid
Phase Epitaxial Growth of Silicon," Proc. 14th Canadian Congress Appl.
Mech. (CANCAM 93), pp. 299-300,
11. Djilali, N., "Flow and Heat Transfer
in an Array of Stacked Plates," Fundamentals of Forced Convection
Heat Transfer, ASME-HTD, (Eds. M.A. Ebadian and P.H. Oosthuisen), Vol.
210, pp. 85-90,
10. Dost, S., S. Erbay, H.A. Erbay and N.
Djilali, "Effect of Gravity on the Dissolution and Liquid Phase Epitaxial
Growth Processes in a Horizontal
9. Erbay, A.H., S. Erbay, N. Djilali and
S. Dost, "Effect of Solutal Convection on the Dissolution of Silicon
in a Horizontal Sandwich System," Proc. ASME-European Joint Conference
on Engineering Systems, Design and Analysis, ASME PD, Vol. 47-3, pp. 99-102,
Istanbul, Turkey, July, 1992.
8. Kafyeke, F., P. Piperni, M. Mokhtarian and
7. Djilali, N., and I.S. Gartshore, "Applications
of Pulsed-Wire Anemometry at the
6. Djilali, N., I.S. Gartshore and M.
Salcudean, "Turbulent Flow Around a Bluff Rectangular Plate. Part II:
Numerical Predictions," ASME Fluids Engg. Conference, Paper 90-FE-5, 8 pages,
5. Djilali, N., and I.S. Gartshore, "Turbulent
Flow Around a Bluff Rectangular Plate. Part I: Experimental Investigation,"
ASME Fluids Engg. Conference, Paper 90-FE-4, 11 pages,
4. Stropky, D., N. Djilali, I.S. Gartshore
and M. Salcudean, "Application of Momentum Integral Methods and
Linearized Potential Theory for Predicting Separation Bubble Characteristics,"
ASME Fluids Eng. Conference, Paper 90-Fe-6, 9 pages, Toronto, June,
3. Djilali, N., I.S. Gartshore and M.
Salcudean, "An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Flow on a Blunt
Rectangular Section: A Test Case for Computational Methods?," Proc.
6th Turbulent Shear Flow Symp., pp. 19.3.1-6,
2. Djilali, N., I.S. Gartshore and M.
Salcudean, "Computational Study of the Separated-Reattaching Flow on
a Blunt Rectangular Section," Proc. 11th Canadian Congress Appl. Mech.
(CANCAM 87), pp. B42-43,
1. Gartshore I.S., and N. Djilali, "Flow
Separation: Problems and Possibilities," Proc. 9th Australasian Conf.
on Fluid Mechanics,
Torsten Broeer, Ph.D., Topic: Grid Integration of Wind Energy
Majid Souleimaninia , Ph.D., Topic:
Completed PhD Students
Ehsan Sadeghi , Ph.D. (2010), Thesis: Thermal Transport in Porous Media with Application to Fuel Cell Diffusion Media and Metal Foams (co-sup. M. Bahrami)
Tom Schmeister, Ph.D. (2010), Thesis: Determining the quality and quantity of heat produced by proton exchange membrane fuel cells with application to air-cooled stacks for combined heat and power (co-sup P. Wild)
Rong Songprakorp, Ph.D. (2008), Thesis: Transient Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of
PEM Fuel Cells
Aimy Bazylak, Ph.D. (2008), Thesis: Liquid Water Transport in Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers (co-sup. D. Sinton)
Alvin Bergen, Ph.D. (2008), Thesis: Integration and Dynamics of a Renewable Regenerative Hydrogen Fuel Cell System (co-sup. P. Wild)
Erik Kjeang*, Ph.D. (2007), Thesis: Microfluidic Fuel Cells (co-sup. D. Sinton)
Marc Secanell, Ph.D. (2007), Thesis: Computational Modelling and Optimization of PEM Fuel Cells (co-sup. A. Suleman)
Goncalo Pedro, Ph.D. (2005) Thesis: A
General Purpose, Modular Computational Platform for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Problems (co-sup. A. Suleman)
Torsten Berning, Ph.D. (2002), Thesis: Three-Dimensional
Computational Analysis of Transport Phenomena in Fuel Cells
Walter Merida-Donis, Ph.D. (2002), Thesis: Diagnosis
of PEMFC Stack Failures via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (co-sup.
G. McLean/D. Harrington)
Jon Pharoah , Ph.D. (2002), Thesis: Fluid
Flow and Mass Transfer in Rotating Channels with Application to Centrifugal
Membrane Separation
Anotai Suksangpanomrung, Ph. D. (1999), Thesis: Investigation
of Unsteady Separated Flow and Heat Transfer Using Direct and Large Eddy Simulations
El-Shafei Zeidan, Ph.D. (1995),
Thesis: A Numerical Study of Two- and Three-Dimensional Turbulent Obstacle
Peter M. Wild**, Ph.D. (1994), Thesis: Development, Optimization, and Implementation of the Design for a Centrifugal Reverse-Osmosis Desalination System (co-sup. G.W. Vickers)
* Thesis awarded 2008 Governor General's Gold
** Thesis awarded 1994 Governor General's Gold
Completed Masters Students
Kristin Wild, M.A.Sc (2011), Thesis: Coupled Operation of a Wind Farm and Pumped Storage Facility: Techno-Economic Modelling and Stochastic Optimization (co-sup. C. Crawford)
Simon Parkinson, M.A.Sc (2011), Thesis: Managing Sustainable Demand-side Infrastructure for Power System Ancillary Services (co-sup. C. Carwford)
Ian Stewart, M.A.Sc (2011), Thesis: Microfluidics for Fuel Cell Applications (co-sup. D. Sinton)
Chris Miller, M.A.Sc (2010), Thesis: Liquid Water Dynamics in a Model Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Flow Channel
Mike Carl, M.A.Sc. (2008), Thesis: SOFC Modeling for the Simulation of Residential Cogeneration Systems
Grant Minor, M.A.Sc. (2007), Thesis:
Experimental Study of Water Droplet Flows in a Model PEM Fuel Cell Gas Microchannel (co-sup P. Oshkai)
Alejandra Uranga, M.A.Sc (2006), Thesis:
Unsteady Turbulent Flows and Fluid-Structure Interactions (co-sup A. Suleman)
Shawn Listster*, M.A.Sc (2005), Thesis: Analytic
Modelling of Micro-structured Fuel Cells
Aimy Bazylak, M.A.Sc (2005), Thesis: Computational
Analysis of Micro-structured Fuel Cells (co-sup. D. Sinton)
David Schwarz, M.A.Sc (2005), Thesis: Modelling Catalyst Layers in PEM Fuel Cells
Niel Pearce, M.Eng (2005), Thesis: Renewable
Energy Systems (co-sup. A. Rowe)
Jonathan Martin , M.A.Sc (2004), Thesis: Particle
Imaging Velocimetry in Fuel Cell Gas Flow Channels (co-sup. P. Oshkai)
Sebastien Prince-Richard, M.A.Sc (2004), Thesis: Techno-Economic
Analysis of Decentralized Electrolytic Hydrogen Production
Jeff Fimrite, M.A.Sc (2004), Thesis: Transport
Phenomena in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes (co-sup. H. Struchtrup)
Bart Stockdill, M.A.Sc (2003), Thesis: Turbulence
Modelling for Unsteady Separated Flows over Airfoils
Sharmin Hussain, M.Eng. (2003), Thesis: CFD
Study of Fluid Flow and Mass Transfer in Spacer Filled Membrane Modules
Phong Nguyen, M.A.Sc (2003), Thesis: Computational
Modelling of Fuel Cells with Serpentine Gas Flow Channels
Borge Sivertsen, Masters** (2003) Thesis: CFD
Modelling of PEM Fuel Cells
Goncalo Pedro, M.A.Sc (2001), Thesis: Hydrodynamics
and Fluid-Structure Interactions in Swimming Propulsion (co-sup. with Dr.
A. Suleman)
Arooj Butt, M.Eng. (1998), Thesis: Mathematical
Modeling of Partially Hydrated Polymer-Electrolyte-Membrane Fuel Cell (co-sup
S. Dost)
Jon Pharoah , M.A.Sc. (1997), Thesis:
CFD Modeling of Centrifugal Membrane Density Separation (co-sup. G.W. Vickers)
Martin Bowers, M.A.Sc.
(1997), Thesis: CFD Modeling of Flow in Fuel Cell Channels
David Billeness, M.A.Sc. (1995) , Thesis:
The Design of a Flow Channel with an Investigation of Laminar Flow over a
Square Rib
Davinder Singh, Masters*** (1995), Thesis:
Modelling and Numerical Analysis of Transport Processes in Proton Exchange
Membrane Fule Cells
Nicholas Audet , M.Eng (1994), Project: Design
of a Liquid Phase Electroepitaxy Crystal Growth Facility for Ga-As (co-sup.
S. Dost)
Trevor Zapach, M.A.Sc. (1993), Thesis: The
Calculation of Flow and Heat Transfer Over Surface Mounted Ribs using a Domain
Decomposition Method
* Thesis awarded 2006 Governor General's Silver
**Exchange Student, NTNU,
*** Exchange Student, Chalmers
Jay Sui |
Sr. Research Engineer & Lab. Manager
Computational Fuel Cell Engineering |
Dr. Nigel David |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
Sensors for Monitoring of Fuel Cell Degradation |
Dr. Randhir Singh |
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Fuel Cell Performance, Lifetime and Degradation Modelling
Dr. Wei Ye |
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Two-Phase Flow Sensors for Fuel Cells |
1992 |
Ms. Erica Sangster |
NSERC Undergrad. Research Student |
CFD and Computer Visualization |
1992-1995 |
Dr. Z. Qin |
Research Associate |
Computational Modelling of |
1993-1994 |
Dr. K. Nikfetrat |
Post-Doctoral Fellow (with S. Dost) |
CFD and Simulation of |
1994 |
Mr. Robert Dyck |
NSERC Undergrad. Research Student |
Fluid Mechanics |
1994 |
Ms. Erica Sangster |
NSERC Undergrad. Research Student |
Forest Fire Suppression and Experimental
Fluid Mechanics |
1995-1998 |
Dr. Dongming Lu |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
Transport Phenomena
in Fuel Cells |
1995-1996 |
Dr. Philippe Moinat |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
CFD and Large-Eddy Simulation |
1996 |
Mr. David Leboe |
Coop student |
Fuel Cell Technology |
1996 |
Mr. Chris Reid |
Project Engineer |
Fuel Cell Technology |
1996 |
Mr. Walter Merida |
Research Engineer |
Fuel Cell Technology |
1998-1999 |
Mr. Jeremy Lindstrom |
Co-op then Research Engineer |
Design and Testing of Fuel Cells |
1998-1999 |
Mr. Paul Sobejko |
Co-op then Research Engineer |
Design and Testing of Fuel Cells |
1999 |
Ms. Miruska Milanovic |
Co-op Student |
Fuel Cell Technology |
1999-2000 |
Dr. Jun Cao |
Research Associate |
Fuel Cell Modelling |
2000-2001 |
Mr. Kris Eckstrand |
Research Engineer |
Centrifugal Membrane Separation |
1999-2002 |
Alvin Bergen |
Research Engineer |
Centrifugal Membrane Separation |
2000-2002 |
Dr. Latif Bouhadji |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
CFD and Large-Eddy Simulations |
2002 |
Mr. Taco Niet |
Research Engineer |
Characterization of Fuel Cell Components
2002 |
Mr. Patrick Keller |
Co-op student |
Characterization of Fuel Cell Components
2003 |
Mr. Wade Simpson |
Co-op student |
Integrated Renewable Energy Experiemnt |
2003-2004 |
Mr. Nicholas Dohmeier |
Co-op student |
Integrated Renewable Energy Experiemnt |
2003-2004 |
Mr. Murray Love |
Research Associate |
Integrated Energy Systems Modelling |
2003-2005 |
Dr. Brian Carnes |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
Computational Transport Phenomena in
Fuel Cells |
2003-2005 |
Dr. Bojan Markicevic |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
Modelling of Two Phase Flow in Porous
Media |
Dr. Goncalo Pedro |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
CFD and LES of Hydrogen Jets |
Dr. Te-Chun Wu |
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Hydrogen Dispersion |
Mr. Frédéric Bussière |
Co-op student |
Fuel Cell Stack Testing |
Mr. Reston Nash |
Co-op student
Design and Fabrication of a Micro-Fuel Cell Test Apparatus |
Dr. Jingwei
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Transport and Degradation Processes in PEM Fuel Cells |
Dr. Chin-Hsien Cheng |
Post-Doctoral Fellow
MD Simulation of Polymer Electrolyte Membranes Catalyst Layers
Dr. Boris
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Large Eddy Simulation of Hydrogen Dispersion |
Dr. Viatcheslav
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Two Phase Flow in Microfuidics Networks
Dr. Kyle Lange
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Reconstruction and Pore Scale Modelling of Catalyst Layers
Dr. Dan Wang
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Smart Grids and Wind Power Integration