MECH 200 Engineering Drawing

Lab 4: 3D Solid Modeling using Pro/ENGINEER


  • To create a 3D solid modeling of a bracket using Pro/ENGINEER.
  • To generate orthographic views and dimensioning from solid model.
  • To generate section views from solid model.

Introduction & Concepts

Pro/E (Pro/ENGINEER) is a suite of programs that are used in the design, analysis, and manufacturing of mechanical parts. In short, Pro/ENGINEER is a parametric, feature-based solid modeling system.

"Feature-based" means that each feature builds upon the previous feature, creating model one feature at a time. Individually each feature can be simple, but collectively can form complex parts and assembles.

"Parametric" means that models are driven by dimension values. If a dimension of a feature is changed, that sold feature will update. This change will then automatically propagate through the remaining features in the models, updating the entire parts.


"Solid Modeling" means that 3D solid models you create is able to contain all the "information" that a real solid object would have. Based on material properties such as density, these models have mass, volume, surface area and other physical properties such as a center of gravity.


For this laboratory, you will learn Part and Drawing modes of Pro/E.


Pro/E Part mode allows a user to create 3D object from 2D profile using Sketcher.

The Sketcher is best described as a submode of Part mode. You could regard it as a 2D drafting board with the 3D environment.  In Pro/E, 3D objects begin as 2D outlines.  After the 2D outline is defined with x and y dimensions, it is given a z dimension, or depth, that bring it to 3D.  The purpose of Sketcher is to let you literally “sketch” an imprecise or exaggerated 2D profile of the part you want to create.   From 2D profile, 3D object can be created by extruding, revolving, blending or sweeping.


Pro/E Drawing mode allows a user to create detailed drawing of previously created parts and assemblies.  Engineering drawings are critical for communicating design ideas. 


Pro/ENGINEER Tutorials


  1. The second chapter of “Pro/ENGINEER WILDFILE 3.0” by Roger Toogood, available at no charge from, gives an excellent introduction to sketcher and creating a simple object. The full text is available from Schroff website at a cost of $59.95.


  1. On line Self-Paced Learning Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire (1.0) - Carnegie Mellon University


•         Introduction to Pro/E: This tutorial will teach you the basic features of Pro/E including how to access part files, manipulate the display, and orient parts.

•         Basic Modeling Techniques: These lessons will introduce you to the general procedures for creating sketched features.  You will learn basic operations by creating a simple part from sketched feature using an extruded protrusion (tutorial 1&2).

•         Engineering Drawing: In this tutorial, you will learn the fundamentals of drawing mode while creating engineering drawings of a part (tutorial 7).



  1. Read and follow the Pro/E tutorials provided.
  2. Using the tools and commands learned from tutorial, produce a 3D model of the bracket described in Lab2 as shown in the Figure 1.
  3. Generate engineering drawings from the solid model using the template for A2 paper (420mm x 594mm) as shown in the Figure 2.
  4. Generate a section view through plane (top) as shown in the Figure 1.



•         Create a solid model of the bracket as shown in Figure 1.

•         Create engineering drawings from a previous created bracket with dimension on A2 paper.

•         Create section view across plane (top) in Figure 1 on A2 paper.




                        Figure 1: The bracket generated by Pro/E



Figure 2: Engineering drawings generated from the bracket